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San Diego SUV Rollover Accidents

A rollover accident occurs when a vehicle, typically an SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle), truck, or a van flips over onto its side or onto the roof. These rollover type of accidents are the leading cause of death in crashes involving an SUV and the second leading cause (next to a head–on collision) of car–crash death rates entirely. If a rollover accident does not cause a death, if will often cause serious injuries. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that rollover accidents are the most likely to result in fatality. For a free consultation with a lawyer, call us 24 hours a day at (858) 654 – 0407.

San Diego SUV Rollover Accidents

Oftentimes rollover accidents are caused by someone else’s negligence, and you may be entitled to compensation for any injuries sustained from this accident. The dedicated team of car–accident lawyers at The Law Firm of Howard Williams have been successfully representing those hurt or injured in a rollover accident for years. Our lawyers will aggressively represent you will not settle for anything less than what you fully deserve. For a free consultation with a lawyer, call us 24 hours a day at (858) 654 – 0407.
Factors that contribute to rollover accidents:
  • Top-heavy and unstable vehicles. Taller vehicles that have a high center of gravity like SUVs, trucks, vans and buses tend to be more likely to roll over than a smaller vehicles or compact car.
  • Sudden jerking of the steering wheel and hitting “trips.” Most rollovers happen when the driver needs to make a sharp and abrupt pull of the wheel or the vehicle hits a “trip” such as a curb, median or guardrail. This is called a tripped rollover.
  • Multiple–vehicle car accidents. When vehicles are hit by another vehicle from the side, typically the types of vehicles mentioned above, a rollover can occur.
  • Speeding and/or distracted driving. Speeding is a common cause of automobile accidents. Distracted driving that involves: texting, eating, drinking, being on the phone, etc. is another common cause of rollover accident.
  • Weather conditions. Poor weather conditions can cause car accidents. If an SUV or a truck skids on a slick road, the driver may need to quickly correct the wheel, which can turn into a rollover accident.
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Car Accident Lawyer in San Diego

If you have become victim of a rollover accident in a car, truck, van, SUV or other automobile contact one of our attorney at The Law Firm of Howard Williams right away. Our attorneys are here to help you and will work hard to get you the compensation you deserve. Call us today at (858) 654 – 0407

Do I need an lawyer?

A motorcycle accident attorney will build your case, negotiate with the insurance companies, and if even take your case to trial if necessary and work hard to get the best possible verdict.
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Do I need to report the accident?

Yes. First, of course, you may need to call the local police or the CHP. Second, report the accident to your insurance company. Call or go see your agent and ask what forms …
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